How to Get Started

Welcome! If you’re here it probably means your interested in helping out a bit. Volunteer work is not only needed to run most, if not all charitable based organizations, but it is also an extremely rewarding activity to be involved in. To get started there’s a few things you should ask yourself.

Are you looking for a Daily or Weekly program, or are you looking for a Here & There type thing?

The first thing you should ask yourself is “How much time can I give?” More often than not you hear people say “I would like to get involved in some charity work but I just don’t have the time!”. Most charities are looking for dedicated volunteers upon whom they can call for most, if not all, charitable events they host. However, there are many opportunities to help out less frequently, without committing yourself full time.  Most charities will accept any help offered even if that means you want to help out just once, that’s one more pair of helping hands they wouldn’t have otherwise had that day! As a matter of personal opinion,  I find that being involved in these sorts of things is a surprisingly addictive hobby, so chances are you’ll want to go more than once anyway!

What type of work are you willing (or able) to do?

We all have different skill sets, so ask yourself, which sets are you willing and able to contribute? If you’re a decent cook, your skills could be highly useful at one of our island’s feeding programs. If you’re good with kids, perhaps you would be interested in working with one of the child & youth programs.  Some programs require a certain level of physical labor, are you physically able to assist with that? Some require compassion and patience, confidentiality and a gentle manner. Think about the skills you already have and determine whether not they could be useful to someone else. There is always, always, always something you can do!

What type of charity are you interested in?

Who or what do you want to help with? If you’re an animal lover, perhaps you would enjoy working with the SPCA. If you’re a nature lover, you may enjoy helping out at the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum & Zoo. If you’re a people person you may wish to volunteer with charities that work directly with our fellow Bermudians. Think about what it is that interests you and see if there’s a charity that specializes in that interest.


Ok, you thought about all that … what now?

Browse through our list of all of the registered charities in Bermuda to find the perfect one for you. You may wish to get involved in multiple organizations with a broad range of focuses. Whatever it is you decide, your help will be greatly appreciated by both the organization and those that benefit from the services they provide.


Happy Hunting!

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“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” – Maya Angelou